Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Renaissance Festival

This weekend, Jimmy and I went with a group of friends to the Renaissance Festival in Maryland. It was really... interesting. It was like being at a dungeons and dragons festival. Not what I expected. The festival is huge-Its like an entire city (robin hood style). Its so big and elaborate that the "buildings" stay up all year round even though the festival is only two months long.

We really had a lot of fun, but its definitly different to stand out because you are dressed in normal clothes.

There were all sorts of activites and crazy foods (everything seemed to be on sticks-cheesecake, mac and cheese, 'steak on a stake').

My favorite was the jousting. It was really incredible to watch. It obviously wasn't real jousting, but everything looked totally believable with sticks breaking and people falling off the horse. I couldn't even ride a horse with armour on, let alone ride and fight.

Sword Swallower. Still not sure if I believe he was really swallowing the sword, but I don't know how he would have done it if it wasn't.

1 comment:

  1. How fun - haven't been to a Renaissance Fair in about 30 years. I'd love to come up for it one year. Looks like it was pretty "sweet"
