Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Outer Banks

Last weekend Jimmy and I went down to the Outer Banks with David and Brian. It was such a great weekend. Friday was gorgeous. The sun was out and it was crazy warm. We spent half the day in the water and the other half playing beach games.

I also found a new way of getting around the beach. Driving!!! So much easier and tons of fun!

There are some 'wild' horses on Ocracoke Island (horses that are coralled-does that make any sense?). Jimmy loved watching the horses.

And we all loved exploring the island, the lighthouses, shops and we even got to take a ferry!


  1. Great pictures - HEY - I'VE BEEN TO THOSE LIGHTHOUSES (did you go to the one you can climb up? can't remember which one? boy was that ever fun to get to the top)

  2. hurray - you changed your format and I got my comment published (now if I could just figure out Aunt Linda's I'd be all set)

  3. love it! I miss the beach and light houses.
    ps love the country style looking picture of jimmy on the fence. oh how awesome the country is, i just can't wait to live there in my mansion ;) miss yous. can't wait for thanksmas or should it be christgiving? hm i'll have to sleep on it.

  4. I didn't know you could drive on the beach - you are so cool! We miss you already and are so glad Thanksgiving is so soon!
