Sunday, May 9, 2010


Flew to Indiana this past weekend for the Indianapolis 500 Mini Marathon. Kevin and I both ran the half marathon. Its the largest 1/2 marathon in the country. 35,000 people stampeding through Indianapolis, up to and around the Indy 500 Speedway and back. It was crazy. We started about 2/3 of the way back in the crowd and from the time the race started, it took us almost 25 minutes just to reach the starting point. When we officially started the race, the people in front were already to mile 5. For the entire 13.1 miles, there wasn't a moment that you were not surrounded by other people.

I'm not sure how, but somehow both of us finished and did great! Neither of us could walk afterwards, but we finished!

The rest of the weekend was awesome-hanging out with Bryson, Kaitlyn, Alyssa, Cash and Cutter (and their parents).

Of course we had to fit a few games into the weekend too, but the best was Railroad Tycoon. It was a really intense game and we had the board covered with tracks. Kevin won, but he got more excited about all the train tracks and the layout of the board than about winning!

What a blast!


  1. Congratulations on finishing, looks like you had a good trip.

  2. cool man ---- that picture downtown is unbelievable --- what a sight - I'll bet it was unbelievable being there.
    couldn't figure out what Kevin was doing on top of the chair -- then I realized he was taking a picture -- bet those were some intense games,
    love ya, mom

  3. Good times! When are you coming again????
