I recently read a blog titled “Love Messages.” It was about Love Messages from our spouse and whether or not we recognize them. Naturally my mind wandered to flowers and cards (which are scarce in my house), but after thinking for a bit, I was amazed at how many Love Messages Jimmy sends me. He really is very sweet and takes very good care of me.
I am a guy and I don’t notice anything. I do dishes sometimes and Jimmy does dishes sometimes, but until recently I thought we were both carrying our fair share. However, a few weeks ago I realized that every day when I came home from work, the dishes were done (I say 'realized' like I noticed that this phenomenon was occurring, but to be honest it was pointed out to me). I had no idea that after I left for work every day Jimmy always did any dishes that were laying around. Since then, I have noticed that he does this every day and I am blown away. Not because he does them, but because for a year and a half he has been doing this and has never made a comment about why I always leave for work without realizing what a mess the kitchen may be in.
Jimmy also usually beats me home (I love my DC commute-ugh) and he always has dinner ready or at least started. (This could be because he is hungry or more likely because he is afraid of my cooking, but I’m going to pretend it’s because he loves taking care of me, which I know he does).
To be fair, I don’t mind not getting flowers. Jimmy knows this-if you are going to spend the money, get me something good. Like Season 5 of The Office!! The newest season came out on DVD a month or so ago and I have been wanting it. I love this show and even though Jimmy thinks it’s a dumb show and the Michael Scott is insane, he came home a few days ago with a copy “just because.” I’m sure he now regrets it, since I haven’t stopped watching, but I really appreciate that he is always thinking of me and often tries to find ways to make me happy.
Of course my favorite love message is his look when he does his sad puppy dog face. I don’t know anyone that can do it as good as Jimmy. When we are watching TV together or doing something else together and I start to leave the room, he looks at me and it’s like his heart is breaking. His entire world is going to end just by having me go upstairs. Don’t be fooled, he knows what he’s doing and he’s totally fine. But he knows if he puts on that face and says “Don’t leave me,” I’m stuck and not going anywhere.