Tuesday, June 30, 2009


This past weekend was the Garner Family Reunion. My family all flew out to Coloma California and took over my Uncle Paul's house. It was great having the entire family under one roof. Great, and LOUD. I loved it, but I think Jimmy was a little overwhelmed. Not that I blame him... sometimes they overwhelm me.

The weekend was filled with a million amazing activities.

Friday we went rafting. It was a blast but sadly nobody got thrown from the raft...until we were through all the rapids and started throwing each other in!

Saturday Dacia, Kevin, Mom and I took Dacia's kids kayaking. I didn't expect anything intense, but we actually hit some decent sized rapids, large enough to totally cover me and Bryson who was in my kayak in water.

Dacia put together a whole Family Fued activity and it was awesome. Everyone got really into it. The girls won, but I don't count it-Dacia was in charge after all. She must have done something to help them. How else could it have happened?

Sunday Grandma, Grandpa and a bunch of other relatives came over for dinner. And Jimmy thought it was loud before. It was so great getting to see everybody.

Apparantly Coloma is the site where Gold was first discovered and started the Gold Rush. So naturally some of us ended up down at the river panning for Gold. Jimmy was so excited to find gold and dragged me down with the group to pan for gold. Once he got down there though and realized just how small the pieces of gold were he just stood around directing me to find gold. I think he was expecting me to do all the work and then have me use the gold on him. Typical.

But of course, my favorite activity from the whole weekend, was just hanging with my nieces and nephews.

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